Sunday, December 6, 2009

Statement on Arroyo’s declaration of martial law in Maguindanao

December 5, 2009
Reference: Antonio L. Tinio (0920-9220817)
ACT Chairperson

We vehemently condemn Pres. Gloria Arroyo for declaring martial law and suspending the writ of habeas corpus in Maguindanao, ostensibly to enable the authorities to carry out justice for the Ampatuan massacre.

We are one with the public in demanding justice for the victims of Ampatuan. Not only must those directly responsible be swiftly brought to justice, but Malacanang, the military and the police must also be held accountable for coddling and arming the Ampatuan clan named as responsible for the massacre. However, we cannot allow Malacanang to use our outrage at the massacre to justify this dangerous and unconstitutional declaration of martial law.

We are outraged that Mrs. Arroyo and her clique are exploiting one of the most gruesome mass murders in recent history and the widespread public outcry for justice as the pretext for this unwarranted abuse of presidential power. Yet again, the Arroyo regime is demonstrating its utter disrespect for democratic institutions and sheer disregard for the norms of human decency.

The declaration of martial law and the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus are allowed by the Constitution only in cases of invasion or rebellion. Neither of these are present in Maguindanao. Arroyo’s Proclamation 1959 is therefore unjustifiable and unconstitutional. As such, it violates the civil liberties of the citizens of Maguindanao and sets the stage for more and graver human rights abuses by state security forces, already notorious internationally for their appalling track record of brutality.

Furthermore, by setting the bar for the declaration of martial law at an absurdly low level, the Arroyo regime is setting a dangerous precedent that could pose a threat to the May 2010 elections and the constitutionally- mandated transition to a new government. In the waning days of her presidential term, Mrs. Arroyo has amply demonstrated that she is desperate to stay in power, recently declaring her candidacy for a congressional seat in Pampanga with the avowed aim of pushing for charter change.

We call on Congress to immediately convene and revoke Proclamation 1959. We call on the public to mobilize and be vigilant as this regimes desperately maneuvers to maintain its hold on power beyond 2010. We reiterate our call for the ouster of Gloria Arroyo. #

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